Zero Defects International to Exhibit at Silicon Valley Expo and Tech Forum

SAN JOSE – Zero Defects International [ZDI] has announced their participation as an exhibitor at the Silicon Valley Expo and Tech Forum. It will be held at the Fremont Marriott Silicon Valley. The date of this event is Thursday, December 5th. The address of the Marriott is 46100 Landing Parkway, Fremont, CA. ZDI’s presence represents a continuation of the company’s participation in the Silicon Valley Expo as well as many other SMTA Expo venues across the Western US.

Among the PCBA test and inspection products to be featured will be Viscom’s AOI, X-Ray and SPI inspection equipment. The Viscom display will include updates on the very latest enhancements for each of these products. Additional ZDI partners include Europlacer, Tagarno and Epoch International. Also, ZDI will have information on their flying-probe test services as well as reverse engineering and failure analysis services. Those in attendance will include Michaela Brody, President and Paul Benke, CEO.

Founded more than 20 years ago as a PCB test and fixturing company, ZDI has since evolved into a full spectrum test and inspection equipment company with focus on the PCBA industry. It works with top tier partners in offering virtually all facets of PCBA test and inspection equipment and has established a repution for it’s customer orientation as well competent and rapid responsive technical support in Northern California and beyond.


Zero Defects International to Exhibit at Utah Expo and Tech Forum

Zero Defects International [ZDI] has announced their participation as an exhibitor at the SMTA Utah Expo and Tech Forum. It will be held at the Salt Lake City Marriott University Park. The date of this event is Thursday, September 19th. The address of the Marriott is 480 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City.

Foremost among the PCBA test and inspection products to be shown will be Viscom’s AOI, X-Ray and SPI inspection equipment. The Viscom display will include updates on the very latest enhancements for each of these products. Other ZDI partners, for which information will be available, include Europlacer, Velan, Tagarno and Epoch International. Also, ZDI will have information on their flying-probe test services as well as reverse engineering and failure analysis services. Those in attendance will include Michaela Brody, President and Paul Benke, CEO.

Zero Defects International To Exhibit At SMTA Oregon Expo

Silicon Valley:  Zero Defects International [ZDI] has announced their participation as an exhibitor at the SMTA Expo and Tech Forum to be
held Thursday, June 20th at the Wingspan Event & Conference Center in Hillsboro, Oregon. Location of this venue is 801 NE 34th Ave.,
Hillsboro, OR.

Foremost among the PCBA test and inspection products to be shown will be Viscom’s AOI, X-Ray and SPI inspection equipment. The Viscom
display will include updates on the very latest enhancements for each of these products. Also featured will be Europlacer’s PCBA surface
mount equipment.

Additionally, ZDI will have information on their flying-probe test services as well as reverse engineering and failure analysis services. Those
attending include Michaela Brody, President and Paul Benke, CEO. Other ZDI partners, for which information will be available include Velan,
Tagarno and Epoch International.

Further Information:  |  |  59 Washington St, Santa Clara, CA   |  408.986.8524